JSC “VO “Tyazhpromexport” specializes in construction, modernization and upgrading of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgical plants, it can also perform functions of GENERAL DESIGNER, GENERAL SUPPLIER AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR.
Complete set of services related to industrial units’ construction includes the following:
- geological engineering survey and exploration;
- collection of complete initial data;
- preparation of technical assignments and performance specification for carrying out subsequent design work as well as for calling international tenders;
- design documentation preparation;
- delivery of complete plants and spare parts;
- transfer of accompanying know-how and technologies;
- execution of civil-erection and testing-commissioning work;
- warranty operation support of commissioned industrial units.
JSC “VO “Tyazhpromexport” has vast experience in construction of large scale industrial enterprises in consortiums with leading Russian and foreign companies in the capacity of a consortium leader as well as a consortium member.
JSC “VO “Tyazhpromexport” places orders for equipment fabrication at the world-renowned Russian machinery plants as well at the leading engineering companies in Germany, Austria, Italy and other counties.
Exploration and design work shall be performed with due consideration of geological, geographical-climate conditions of project site.
JSC “VO “Tyazhpromexport” has vast experience in MODERNIZATION and RECONSTRUCTION as well as CAPACITY EXPANSION of various metallurgical aggregates.
Modernization and upgrading can be done not only at metallurgical plants commissioned by JSC “VO “Tyazhpromexport” but at the units constructed by other companies too.
JSC “VO “Tyazhpromexport” takes active part in introduction of innovative Russian technologies in ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgical sector.
Romelt process in particular represents one of the most promising and perspective trends of iron production from various iron bearing materials.
Romelt process is metallurgical technology of future!
Romelt process (liquid-phase iron reduction process) has been developed at the Moscow steel and alloys institute. This technology represents continuous single stage process of iron production from various iron bearing raw materials as well as inplant metallurgical wastes with utilization of cheap power and non-coking coal grades.
Romelt process is characterized by the following main advantages:
- simplicity of technology and production unit design;
- environmentally safe process;
- low capital investments.
Romelt process is characterized by several advantages compared to traditional iron production technology:
- utilization of cheap power coal instead of expensive coking coal grades;
- possibility of processing of any kinds of iron bearing materials including inplant metallurgical wastes without preliminary preparation;
- high iron reduction capacity, possibility of un-enriched or slightly enriched iron ores processing with low up to 30% Fe content;
- possibility to ensure efficient small-scale iron and steel production (mini-plants);
- reduced environment pollution because of exclusion of coke, sinter, pellets production as well as storage of sludge containing heavy non-ferrous metals from iron production cycle.
Listed below are main Romelt process features, which principally differ from currently utilized and being developed liquid phase reduction (smelting-reduction) technologies:
- non-agglomerated, fully oxidized iron bearing material (iron ore, concentrates, sludge, tailings, dust) can be converted to hot metal within one production unit;
- process with actually existing and operating post-combustion zone, which provides slag bath with amount of heat sufficient for maintaining required thermal state;
- main physical-chemical reactions take place in space, which is limited not by refractory lining but by water cooled panels;
- process combining furnace proper and waste heat boiler in one energotechnological unit enabling conversion of physical and chemical heat of flue gases to electric power;
- possibility of using various power coal grades as reducing agent and heat source at a time;
- possibility of oxygen utilization for ensuring post-combustion of carbon monoxide, hydrogen and coal volatile matter evolving in the furnace during operation.
Romelt process represents not only alternative of traditional iron production process using sinter-coke-blast furnace route but as well as the excellent supplement of the latter. Romelt process and furnace offer principally new, high-performance technology and design of production unit for reduction melting of iron bearing raw materials with production of liquid iron-carbon semi-product for subsequent steel making.
Flue gases heat is to be used in waste heat boiler for steam production and subsequent power generation. In case of low post-combustion degree flue gases can be used as a fuel or reducing agent. If secondary power generation is not required, flue gases’ heat can be used at a combined Romelt unit for steel scrap melting or preliminary ore heating. This means that Romelt process is practically wasteless.
The above listed Romelt process advantages allow to establish steel industry in countries having iron ores with low Fe content and absence of coking coal, which was not possible before.